Happy New Year - 2021 outlook

Here’s hoping that this new year is better than the last, and to be honest it couldn’t really get much worse.

What has been noticeable in 2020, is that peoples stress levels have gone through the roof. Whether as a result of overworking, bereavement, fear of the virus, or finances, everyone has definitely been feeling the strain.

Another thing that we noticed in 2020 was that people were getting out walking much more. A few Mountain Rescue teams saw a significant increase in the number of call outs, and news images of cars parked on verges and footpaths in North Wales and the Peak District, supported an increase to outdoor adventures.

So this year with the virus still causing problems for most of the population, our focus at Boot Routes is on encouraging people into the outdoors. We know first hand the benefits that a daily nature fix can do for anxiety and stress levels, so we have started a series of monthly Welfare Walks with West Yorkshire Police.

To support these welfare walks, we are completing a Mental Health First Aid course, and are also in the middle of a level 3 diploma in Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing)

Our monthly ‘Walking for Health’ walks will continue (local Covid restrictions permitting) and we are running extra Navigation Courses to give people the skills and confidence to venture out on their own.

In April we are heading to Norway on a fact finding mission looking at guided walks on ‘The Saboteurs Trail’ and ‘Pulpit Rock’, for future Boot Routes trips.

Our ‘Supermoon walks’ and ‘Introduction to night navigation’ events have been popular, so we will try and fit a few more of these in as well.

Finally we would like to say a Happy New Year to you all, and just to remind you that you’re not on your own; if any of you need to talk, you know where we are.