Silver NNAS Navigation Course

Today saw the final day of a 2 day Silver NNAS navigation course. During the course we covered contours, re-entrants, spurs, pacing, timing, orientating the map, half bearings, full bearings, aiming off, boxing, tick off points, catching features and navigational strategies. Day 1 started with a classroom input before we relocated to a nearby orienteering course to practice some navigation.

Day 2 was more adventurous, we met at Digley Reservoir where we made our way up Black Hill. At the trig point we took a bearing and paced to the site of a 2nd world war Swordfish plane crash, then headed back down looking at landscapes and back bearings.

We then retreated back to a Cafe at Holmfirth for debriefs and to put the candidates out of their misery. I am happy to say that both candidates Gabby Butler and Callum Eaves, passed with flying colours. Well done guys.