Red Squirrel Hide

Yesterday I spent the day in a private hide in some woods near to Hawes, courtesy of Paul Fowlie Photography. My task for the day was to get a decent image of a red squirrel, and I came away with loads of keepers of the cute little critters. In addition I saw Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Tree Creeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Robin

The day started at Hawes where Paul collected me and drove me to some nearby woods, then after a 5 minute walk we were at the hide. No sooner had we arrived and there were red squirrels everywhere. Paul has set up a few stands which he loaded with nuts, then once he had given me some instructions on camera settings and shown me where to get the best images he left me for a few hours.

Highly recommended, and to book visit