Walking for Health

Today a small group braved the continuous wet weather for our monthly Walking for Health walk around Castle Hill near to Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.

With weeks of rain, everything was absolutely sodden, and wellies were the best footwear for today’s walk. However as I drove up to the car park at Castle Hill the rain suddenly stopped and there was some blue skies for a change. As I got out of the car a cold cutting wind reminded me that winter had well and truly arrived and to wrap up warm.

I joined the rest of the group for a steady 2 mile walk around the area, but not much wildlife about today, but we did manage to see some Twite and Goldfinch. There was plenty of colour on the trees with some cracking views in all directions, but the mood of the group was a bit subdued as one of our regular walkers was having surgery for a heart condition, but I have since learnt that all is well and he'll be back with us for the next walk.

These walks are ideal for anyone recovering from illness or injury, and all are welcome. Please note that next year (2020) these walks will be very 4 weeks rather than every 3 weeks.