Hawes Charity Walk

Yesterday I helped out with a 40 mile Cystic Fibrosis charity walk in the stunning Yorkshire Dales. The route saw the walkers starting at Hawes, walk over Great Shunner Fell, then down to Muker, along the River Swale to Reeth, head back South over Grinton Moor, then down to Bolton Castle and along the River Ure back to Hawes.

My section of the walk was from Bolton Castle to Hawes a distance of 13 miles or 21 km. My role to act as a sweeper walking behind the group removing all the markers, flags, picking up any rubbish and making sure that nobody was left behind.

I must admit that my section of the walk was absolutely stunning with an abundance of wildlife showing itself. On the river sections I saw plenty of Mallard, Greylag Geese, a Grey Heron, thousands of rabbits and a deer. Away from the river I saw Curlew, Oystercatchers, Lapwing, Kestrel, Brown Hare and the icing on the cake was 3 Barn Owls hunting at dusk. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera so I had to use my phone, and I’ll definitely be back with my camera and big lens.

This was a walk that I didn’t want to end, and it was only when the darkness kicked in that I realised that I was here to work and not to enjoy myself. So what I took away from this walk is that I certainly need to visit the Yorkshire Dales more often. Hope you enjoy the photos