The Boot Routes 10 Commandments of Mountain Walking
1. Thou shalt check the weather. Check the weather the day before your planned walk, and on the morning of your planned walk. Plan your route accordingly, you really do not want to be that person caught out on an exposed ridge in high winds. Always have a plan B, and just remember that the mountains will still be there after the storm has passed.
2. Thou shalt fuel up like an athlete. Carbohydrate is the body’s preferred energy source. Carbohydrate is more easily converted to energy than fat and it gives a sustained release of energy over a longer period of time, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Don’t forget some high energy snacks to eat at regular intervals during your walk to help keep your energy levels up.
3. Thou shalt stay dry. Having your waterproofs handy near the top of your rucksack is always advisable and putting them on at the right time is crucial. I have seen too many people think that it is just a passing shower and by the time they put their waterproofs on, it’s too late they are already drenched.
4. Thou shalt enjoy the time outside. Whether it’s the views, the challenge, or the company, enjoy the time outdoors. There is scientific evidence that spending time outdoors is good for you, not just physically but also good for your mental health, so make the most of it and say calm.
5. Thou shalt take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time. We all have an impact on the environment, and just remember the countryside code Respect, Protect and Enjoy. Don’t drop any litter, keep your dogs on leads, and close gates after you.
6. Thou shalt keep hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after the walk. Don’t wait for that headache to kick in before you suddenly realise that you’re dehydrated and need to stop to get a drink out of your rucksack. Instead get a bladder hydration pack with a drinking tube so that you can take regular drinks without having to stop. Our preferred drink of choice is Ribena with slices of fresh ginger in it, made with hot water, a very refreshing drink with antioxidants and lots of other benefits from the ginger.
7. Thou shalt know thy nav. Having the navigation skills appropriate to your route is crucial; if not book onto one of our navigation courses and get the skills and confidence to plan your own walks. Don’t be one of those people who have all the gear and no idea.
8. Thou shalt not disturb the wildlife. It’s always nice to see wildlife out on your walks, and sometimes it’s even better to get a quality photo. But the first rule of wildlife photography is that we never disturb the animal, always try and keep your distance.
9. Thou shalt be realistic. Pick a route that is within your physical ability and appropriate to your skill level. Plan the route thoroughly to estimate how long it will take, remember the days are shorter in winter and always have an emergency protocol procedure with your next of kin.
10. Thou shalt not be cocky. Remember that we all started our outdoor journey somewhere and we never publicly criticise others for being poorly dressed, lacking skills or getting into difficulties. Nearly two thirds of incidents in Scotland involved people who were deemed to be ‘experienced’. Be polite and offer friendly advice if appropriate.
10 Commandments